Let me start out by saying, I do not particularly like abortions, however I have nothing against them and see that they're necessary at times. To sum it up, I'm a man for one, and two even if I was a woman, IT'S NOT MY BODY.
I really don't see why this is an issue that needs to be brought up, other than debating it on an individual level (Meaning: Argue with friends). Of course this is America (Texas included) and we obviously care about educating people on safer sex practices. "/sarcasm" This idea would be plausible, note that it would be far from the best, if people ACTUALLY ADOPT CHILDREN OF PARENTS WHO ARE NOT ABLE TO CARE FOR THEM ADEQUATELY. Clearly this is a good idea and should pass. "/rant"
Scare tactics, really? It's such an underhanded move that is only supposed to be used as a last resort. If Perry and the other Hyper "Family Values" people feel so strongly about this, then develop a method to transfer the fetuses to their own bodies. The ethical shortcomings of this idea should counteract the ones from their idea.
Hrmm... If I keep at this I'm going to end up going to bed with this rant in my head. Kelso, I agree with you, they should acquire medical degrees and join their respective, if applies, priesthood.
To note, I spared you, the reader, the full of what I wanted to say. I don't think dropping F-bombs that often would be kind to your eyes.
EDIT: Now a day later, I've calmed down a bit. There's not much I could add that Kelso has not already said. The only thing I could really comment on is the use of ultrasound and listening to the heartbeat. While the ultrasound has been around for awhile, listening to the fetus' heartbeat could have a drastic effect on the mother if, at that point or later, she has to abort it due to health reasons. Psychological damage is difficult to recover from, and if the mother does experience it, which she most likely will given what this tactic is being used for, it will scar her from ever wanting to have a child again. Provided what I said is a tad extreme, it could happen. All I can say about the ultrasound is do away with it, unless the mother wants it. It seems like a waste of money to me. Same with the heartbeat thing.
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